The table belows lists the historical P/E and CAPE ratios of Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index. The current trailing price-earnings ratio of the Hang Seng is 9.76 and the Shiller PE ratio of the index is 7.53 (January 1st, 2024). The Hang Seng index is considered to be the benchmark stock index of Hong Kong’s equity market and its 50 constituents represent around 60% of the market cap of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
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Hang Seng Index – P/E (TTM), EPS & CAPE Ratio
Date | Hang Seng Index Value | P/E (TTM) | EPS (TTM) * | CAPE Ratio |
12/31/2023 | 17,047.39 | 9.76 | 68.55 | 7.53 |
6/30/2023 | 18,916.43 | 9.92 | 74.85 | 8.55 |
12/31/2022 | 19,781.41 | 8.05 | 96.54 | 9.13 |
6/30/2022 | 21,859.79 | 9.12 | 94.08 | 10.36 |
12/31/2021 | 23,397.67 | 9.39 | 97.85 | 11.36 |
6/30/2021 | 28,827.95 | 13.36 | 84.72 | 14.31 |
12/31/2020 | 27,231.13 | 14.06 | 76.05 | 13.82 |
6/30/2020 | 24,427.19 | 10.65 | 90.03 | 12.40 |
12/31/2019 | 28,189.75 | 11.07 | 100.00 | 14.46 |
*EPS (earnings per share) in the table above has been indexed to start from the base value of “100” in 1/1/2020.
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Hang Seng Index (HSI)
Hang Seng is the most followed indicator for Hong Kong’s stock market. It consists of 69 major companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. In September 2022, the largest constituents of the index are HSBC Holdings, AIA Group, Tencent Holdings and Meituan. The constituents are grouped into four sub-categories, Finance, Utilities, Properties and Commerce & Industry. The largest sector of the index is currently the Financials sector, followed by the Technology sector. The index was first published in November 1969 and is maintained by a subsidiary of the Hang Seng Bank.